Publications and Patents

Book Section

- Contribution to L. Correia, L. Ferreira, “Virtualized and Cloud-based Architectures”, in N. Cardona (editor), Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

Journal Paper

- D. M. Gutierrez-Estevez, M. Gramaglia, A. Domenico, Ghina Dandachi, S. Khatibi, D. Tsolkas, et al., "Artificial Intelligence for Elastic Management and Orchestration of 5G Networks," in IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 134-141, October 2019 [Link].

-M. Shariat et al., "A flexible network architecture for 5G systems", Wireless Commun. Mobile Comput., vol. 2019, Feb. 2019. [Link]

- S. Khatibi, L. Caeiro, L. S. Ferreira, L. M. Correia, and N. Nikaein, “Modelling and implementation of virtual radio resources management for 5G Cloud RAN,” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 2017, p. 128, July 2017 [Link].

- S. Khatibi, L.M. Correia, “Modelling of Virtual Radio Resource Management in Full Heterogeneous Networks”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2017, No. 1, 2017, p. 73. [Link]

- S. Khatibi, L.M. Correia, “A Model for Virtual Radio Resource Management in Virtual RAN”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Vol. 2015, No. 1, 2015, p. 68. [Link]

Internation Conference Paper

- M. A. Alam and S. Khatibi, "CPU Resource Usage Analysis for Downlink PDCP Processing in CRAN," 2020 IEEE 31st Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, London, UK, 2020, pp. 1-5
- S. Khatibi and A. Jano, "Elastic Slice-Aware Radio Resource Management with AI-Traffic Prediction," 2019 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), Valencia, Spain, 2019, pp. 575-579
- S. Khatibi, I. Balan, and D. Tsolkas, “Slice-Aware Elastic Resource Management“, in special issue EUCNC’18 –IEEE 27th European Conference on Network and Communication, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2018.
- S. Khatibi, K. Shah, and M. Roshdi, “Modelling of Computational Resources for 5G RAN“, in Proc. EUCNC’18 –IEEE 27th European Conference on Network and Communication, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2018. 
- D.M. Gutierrez-Estevez, M. Gramaglia, et. Al., “The Path Towards Resource Elasticity for 5G Network Architecture”, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNCW’18): Workshop on Flexible and Agile Networks (FlexNets), Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2018.
- S. Khatibi, L.M. Correia, “The Effect of Channel Quality on Virtual Radio Resource Management”, in Proc. VTC2015-Fall – IEEE 82nd Vehicular Technology Conference, Boston, USA, Sep. 2015. 
- S. Khatibi, L.M. Correia, “Modelling Virtual Radio Resource Management with Traffic Offloading Support”, in Proc. EUCNC’15 –IEEE 24th European Conference on Network and Communication, Paris, France, June 2015. 
- S. Khatibi, L.M. Correia, “Modelling of Virtual Radio Resource Management for Cellular Heterogeneous Access Networks”, in Proc. PIMRC’14 – IEEE 25th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Washington, USA, Sep. 2014. 
- S. Khatibi, M. Dehghan, M.A. Poormina; “Quorum-based pure directional neighbor discovery in self-organized ad hoc networks”, in Proc. of IST’2010 – IEEE 5th International Symposium on Telecommunication, Tehran, Iran, Dec. 2010.
- S. Khatibi, R. Rohani, “Quorum-based Neighbor Discovery in Self-Organized Cognitive MANET”, in Proc. of PIMRC’2010 –IEEE 21st International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications, Istanbul, Turkey, Sep. 2010.

Internation Conference Paper

- S. Khatibi, “Radio Resource Management Strategies in Virtual Networks”, Ph.D. Thesis, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, Jul 2016. [Link]

White Papers

- D. Laselva, K. L K, A. Khlass, M.S. Hassan, M. Lauridsen, M. Oikonomakou, N. Zheng, A. Pantelidou, S. Khatibi, et al, ”The Path to 6G with unparallel energy savings - A 3GPP Standardization Perspective “, Nokia Whitepaper, Dec. 2024, [Original Link][Download PDF]

Technical Documents and EU Projects Deliverables

- S. Khatibi, ”Deliverable D6.1 – Documentation of Requirements and KPIs and Definition of Suitable Evaluation Criteria“, 5G-MoNArch Project (5G-PPP Phase II), Sep. 2017.
- C. Mannweiler (ed.), “D3.3 – 5G NORMA network architecture – final report”, 5G NORMA Project (5GPPP-Phase I), Sep. 2017.
- S. Khatibi (ed.), “D4.2 – RAN architecture components – Final Report”, 5G NORMA Project (5GPPP-Phase I), June. 2017.
- S. Khatibi, M. Doll, “D4.1: RAN architecture components – preliminary concepts”, 5G NORMA Project, Nov. 2016.
- S. Khatibi, L.M. Correia, “The Effect of Channel Quality on Virtual Radio Resource Management”, Cost1004 Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 2015. C. Perada (Ed.), “D4.3: Algorithms and Mechanisms for the Mobile Network Cloud”, Mobile Cloud Networking”, Nov. 2015.
- S. Khatibi, L.M. Correia, “Modelling Virtual Radio Resource Management with Traffic Offloading Support”, Cost1004 Meeting, Krakow, Poland, Sep. 2014. Thijs Metsch (Ed); “D3.2 Infrastructure Management Foundations – Components First Release”, MobileCloud Networking Project, Apr. 2014.
- S. Khatibi, L.M. Correia, “Virtualisation of Radio Resources – Next Step in Virtualisation of RAN”, Cost1004 Meeting, Ferrara, Italy, Feb. 2014.
- WP1.1 Performance Limits of Wireless Communication D11.1 “Fundamental Issues and Related Results on The Performance of Wireless Network”, NEWCOM# Project, Nov. 2013.
- Thijs Metsch, Peter Gray (Eds); “D3.1 Infrastructure Management Foundations – Specifications & Design for Mobile Cloud framework”, MobileCloud Networking Project, Nov. 2013.
- Jorge Carapinha, Carlos Parada (Eds); “D2.1 Reference Scenarios and Technical System Requirements Definition”, MobileCloud Networking Project, Apr. 2013
